We HAD your bear.

A Homecoming

James evinces surprise and delight at the return of Dupree and unabashed admiration for the magic of doorbells.

Storming the Charts



Update from your hostage negotiators

Leaked Mission Brief

We, the self-appointed hostage negotiators, continue to operate on your behalf despite frequent imputations of collaboration with the bear-nappers. (We expect neither thanks nor recognition, which is fortunate since none has been forth-coming.)

From our interpretation of this leaked mission-brief, we believe that we have found a chink in the bear-nappers' armour. Our analysts believe that your best chance to get the bear back would be to produce a Christmas No 1 parody song.

Given the extremely constrained timelines, we, the hostage negotiators (some people - not that we expect this - might even say heroes) will use social media to promote the song, as long as it is available no later than 22nd December.

In further good news, our social media skill (it's been described as a superpower but that's really not for us to say) is such that we believe that even a short promotional video, suitable for use on Tik Tok might suffice to fool the bear-nappers without the need to produce the full song.

In summary, if you are able to produce a 30-45 second video promoting a parody song, this may be enough to get your bear back back home where he belongs. We wish you luck.

No thanks is required.
Although we do like sultanas.
Just sayin'.

You have:

779 challenge tokens
3895 air miles
- 3847 spent to date
48 air miles



Alleged location of Dupree's initial imprisonment.



Deemed a "safe" place to fly to. Kathryn has friends near here apparently.


Requested destination for use of Pictionary air-miles.

  • Novosibirsk


    Alleged location of Dupree's initial imprisonment.

  • Almaty


    Deemed a "safe" place to fly to. Kathryn has friends near here apparently.

  • Brindisi

    Requested destination for use of Pictionary air-miles.

Transfer requested

You have requested a transfer to Brindisi in Italy. This will cost you 2990 air miles, leaving you with a balance of 48.

Challenge 3 - Luck of the Drawer

Following your successful acquisition of 2720 points in the Pictionary challenge, you have been awarded 544 challenge points, equating to 2720 air miles.

Transfer complete

Dupree has now been flown from Novobirsk to Almaty. This has cost you 857 air miles, leaving you with a balance of 318.

Challenge 2 - Who wants to be a Duprillionaire?

Following your successful acquisition of 2,000,000 points in "Who wants to be a Duprillionaire?" you have been awarded 80 challenge tokens.

While our spyware did detect some assistance on the part of the host, we cannot blame the contestants for this. However, Fi should be warned that if this behaviour were to continue, it is possible that a small accident might befall Mr Soft Rabbit.

Challenge 1 - Photo Shoot-Out

Outcome: 145 tokens awarded.
We have decided that challenge 9 only earns half tokens, as you were not inside a McDonalds restaurant.

As proof of your love and care for Prisoner 24602 (aka Dupree) you have been set a photo challenge. Each photo successfully produced and uploaded before November 9th 2021 will gain you 10 tokens. Each token you acquire can be exchanged for five air-miles, which in turn can be used to transport your beloved bear.

The Rules

  • Only new photos, taken for the purposes of the challenge, are acceptable.
  • Where it is plausible that an old photo might have been used, the front page of a reputable daily newspaper such as The Star or The Daily Mail should be prominently featured, showing the date.
  • Blurry photos will score half points.

The Photos

  1. One of you blowing bubbles in front of an Oxford landmark.
  2. Both of you plus two other adults, making the letters YMCA with your hands. (see fig. 1)
  3. One of you hiding underneath a permanent or temporary road sign or piece of street furniture.
  4. At least one of you within two metres of an animal or bird.
  5. At least one of you in the middle of a recognisable sporting action.
  6. Selfie with someone with blond(e) hair.
  7. Photo of one of you dressed as an evil genius.
  8. Credible (not blurry) snapshot of a flying elephant, featuring Wooly Mammoth as Dumbo’s stunt double.
  9. Both of you in a Mcdonald's restaurant.
  10. One of you in a swimming costume and with one foot in the lake.
  11. Any two of the gifts from the twelve days of Christmas. Photoshopping allowed, but you must feature in both. (see fig. 2 for official list)
  12. James being attacked by an old lady. (involving Mary Ronaldson is optional; for the purposes of this photo, Kathryn does not count as old)
  13. Kathryn arranging flowers in the middle of the road.
  14. Both of you standing on one leg on a pedestrian footbridge.
  15. One or both of you admiring a stamp collection.

Download a copy of the rules here: 

Phishing Link 1

Ransom Negotiations

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but if you don't meet our demands this bear is stuffed.

You will be contacted soon with your first challenge. In the meantime, Dupree will be provided with the bear necessities as long as he is not grizzly.

Thank you for your attention.
Copyright waived. Other parties encouraged to accept responsibility and ownership. Thanks, The McNickids