You have requested a transfer to Brindisi in Italy. This will cost you 2990 air miles, leaving you with a balance of 48.
Following your successful acquisition of 2720 points in the Pictionary challenge, you have been awarded 544 challenge points, equating to 2720 air miles.
Dupree has now been flown from Novobirsk to Almaty. This has cost you 857 air miles, leaving you with a balance of 318.
Following your successful acquisition of 2,000,000 points in "Who wants to be a Duprillionaire?" you have been awarded 80 challenge tokens.
While our spyware did detect some assistance on the part of the host, we cannot blame the contestants for this. However, Fi should be warned that if this behaviour were to continue, it is possible that a small accident might befall Mr Soft Rabbit.
Outcome: 145 tokens awarded.
We have decided that challenge 9 only earns half tokens, as you were not inside a McDonalds restaurant.
As proof of your love and care for Prisoner 24602 (aka Dupree) you have been set a photo challenge. Each photo successfully produced and uploaded before November 9th 2021 will gain you 10 tokens. Each token you acquire can be exchanged for five air-miles, which in turn can be used to transport your beloved bear.